Core Values
Hello, My name is Eugene Ninnie (Gene) I am the sole entrepreneur of I have been owning, managing and operating service oriented businesses for over 30 years. I know customers. I am a real estate investor, Architect, developer, contractor and Professional Engineer. My unique way of doing business is providing professional service to my preferred clients, in this case Home and Property Sellers.
I pride myself on helping other people get out from under burdensome financial problems brought on by life changes using their own real estate as a means to solve those problems. My talents are unique and have been the direct result of working with many industry leaders in real estate, architecture, engineering and construction.
Armed with this extensive experience, I am doing this business to paying it forward to HELP OTHER PEOPLE who may not have the knowledge I have. I dealt with many financial and physical problems in Real Estate and I wish to HELP THOSE OTHER PEOPLE solve their financial and real estate problems
I take all my skills as a real estate investor, Architect, developer and Professional Engineer and apply them in obtaining specific properties for SELLERS
I am a service oriented professional who has owned and managed service related businesses that understand and know what true service is. I provide this every day, not because I have to, quite frankly, but because I want to. I enjoy applying my many years of experience and talents in helping other people because it’s my desire to have an impact on people and in turn our community and to show not only our team members and our associates, but our customers, our clients, as well as my family what it takes to be successful by helping other people.
I have built several successful businesses all related to the real estate industry. It is my mission to clear the path for people and show them solutions to their Real Estate and financial problems.
In doing that, I am very particular about the people that we do business with. You see, my company stands for integrity. We stand for dealing with people in an honest upfront forthright way. Sometimes it’s not always easy to hear the truth, whether our clients or partners or peers. Not everybody wants to hear what we have to say, so we have a tendency to do 1 of 2 things. We have people that love us because we’re so up front, so transparent, so honest, and so forthcoming with information. Then we have people that are a little rubbed wrong. It’s pretty obvious who we choose to do business with. It would be my hopes that those are the types of values that you’re looking for in a business. “See, what I believe is that you get 1 shot at a business that helps people, and there’s no point in doing business or aligning yourself with anybody that doesn’t place a value on your time, a value on your Company and a value on the things that you want to be sharing with them in the services that you provide.
It’s my intention, my hope, that when we talk to any new prospects, that they understand who we are, what we believe in, what we stand for, and just as importantly, what we stand against. In that process, we figure out whether or not we’re a good fit, and it’s my hope that, indeed, you are a good fit.
If it sounds like these are the kinds of values in a company you want to be doing business with, then fill the information forms provided on our website and let’s talk over the phone about what your goals and values are and how we can help YOU
Gene Ninnie